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The Danish Health Technology Council no longer accepts evaluation proposals from companies with the aim of initiating new evaluations from September 2024, as the Danish Health Technology Council's industry track will close as of 1st of August 2024, prior to the transition to the Institute for Quality in Healthcare.

The information below remains relevant for ongoing evaluations, as already initiated and active evaluations will be completed during 2025.


When you want to have a health technology evaluated by the Danish Health Technology Council (DHTC), you have to go through several steps before the DHTC can make its recommendation

The first step is to contact the Danish Health Technology Council secretariat, who will guide you through the process of drawing up an evaluation proposal. Start your dialogue with the secretariat here.

It is advisable to read the Danish Health Technology Council's process guide and methodological guidelines for a full insight into what you,  as an applicant, should provide before and during the evaluation process, and when you can expect guidance and advice from the secretariat.

Prepare an evaluation proposal

After initial dialogue with the secretariat and after you have reviewed the relevant material, you can chose to prepare an evaluation proposal.

The evaluation proposal forms the basis for a decision by the Danish Health Technology Council on whether to initiate an evaluation or not. Applicants should prepare an evaluation proposal themselves, possibly with guidance from the secretariat.

The evaluation proposal will then be validated by the secretariat. The core outcome will be a special focus of the validation process. Once the evaluation proposal has been validated, the secretariat will ensure it is submitted to the Danish Health Technology Council. The validation will be completed no later than three weeks prior to the Council meeting at which you want the Council to consider your evaluation proposal, so submit your evaluation proposal in due time. Refer to this list of dates of Council meetings.

At the Council meeting, all evaluation proposals submitted will be reviewed, after which the Council will select proposals for actual evaluation.

Complete the evaluation proposal here 

Selected for evaluation

Regardless of whether your evaluation proposal is selected for evaluation, you will be contacted by the Danish Health Technology Council's secretariat.

Provided that the proposal is selected the DHTC will start the evaluation phase. An expert committee will be appointed, and together with the secretariat they will prepare an evaluation design, which will form the basis for the contents of your final application. However, you can already start work once you have been informed that your evaluation proposal has been selected, as several parts of the application can be completed before the evaluation design is ready.

You can consult the secretariat throughout the process of preparing your application.

When your application has been completed, submitted and technically validated, the expert committee and the secretariat will draw up an assessment report. This will then be sent to you, and you will have the opportunity to submit a consultation statement within 14 days. Once this period is over, the Council will decide on its recommendation.